Friday, December 16, 2011

Who Likes Beautiful Jewelry?

Hi, all.  Boy, that is one stupid question!  Who doesn't like beautiful jewelry would be more like it.  Two things help my world go 'round...beautiful jewelry and great people.  Well, I have found them both!  Tucked away, way, way, way up in Maine is home to this wonderful friend that I have made and her great jewelry.  I love her jewelry because she has some wonderful pieces that are dressy, but she also has some super casual, semi-dressy pieces, too.  Fitting the season, her name is Santa!  But, being born in Puerto Rico, she does not pronounce it like the big, red, round-bellied man we all like.  Her lovely shop is Black Owl Jewelry, 
or .  I must give you a warning, from what I can tell, when you see something you like you better grab it then because if you don't it may be gone by the time you come back.  lol.  Just like hotcakes!  lol.

Look at how pretty these are...


I also like the variety of styles she uses, she says that she just goes with the idea that strikes her.  With her many, many years of experience her ideas seem never ending.

In earlier years she did photography and other things but she says that after some time she would get bored with what she was doing.  Jewelry doesn't do that to her because of all the variety in stones, beads, styles, and looks.   I am addicted to her work.  I think she makes beautiful  earrings, which is right up my alley.  lol.  A girl never has too many earrings!

       Santa is a self-taught artist, starting with beads and learning as she went.  I think that she is probably her hardest critic but she says that is how she pushes herself to do better and better.    She says that she works with what is in front of her, letting her hands take over while she works and thinks little on how things should be, just what feels right.   
Santa says that she is a free spirited, free thinker and I believe that she  is as genuine as a person can be and has a heart of gold!          
Be sure and check out her 2 sites and you will love what you see.  I certainly have.

Today's Tidbit
     You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings.  Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize these blessings.  Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.


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